
Related Products

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Choice of Pollinating Variety (Apples)

Pollination made simple.

Most suburban situations provide good pollen due to the close proximity of other gardens. It is not always necessary to have pollinators if the bees and other pollinating insects are generous with their visits. If you have no other Apple tree close by then select two varieties in the same group or the adjoining group ie Group 2 and 4 will pollinate group 3 as will any others in group 3. Some varieties are self fertile.

1 Crimson Gravenstein 4American Mother
   4Annie Elizabeth
2 Ambassy 4Ashmead’s Kernel
2 Beauty of Bath 4Braeburn
2 Christmas Pearmain 4Chivers Delight
2 Devonshire Quarrenden 4Claygate Pearmain
2 Early Windsor 4Cornish Aromatic
2 Egremont Russet 4Cornish Gillyflower
2 George Cave 4D’Arcy Spice
2 George Neal 4Ellison’s Orange
2 Irish Peach 4Gala/Royal Gala
2 Lord Lambourne 4Golden Delicious
2 Rev.W.Wilks 4Golden Noble
2 Ribston Pippin (T) 4Howgate Wonder
2 St Edmund’s Pippin 4Lord Derby
   4Norfolk Royal
3 Arthur Turner 4Pixie
3 Blenheim Orange (T) 4Royal Gala/Gala
3 Bountiful 4Tydeman’s Late Orange
3 Bramley’s Seedling (T) 4Winston
3 Brownlees Russet   
3 Charles Ross 5Costard
3 Cox’s Orange Pippin 5Newton Wonder
3 5Suntan (T)
3 Discovery   
3 Falstaff 6Court Pendu Plat
3 Fiesta/Red Pippin   
3 Greensleeves 7Crawley Beauty
3 Grenadier   
3 Isle of Wight Pippin   
3 James Grieve   
3 Jumbo (T)   
3 Katy   
3 Kidd’s Orange Red   
3 Lane’s Prince Albert   
3 Meridian   
3 Orleans Reinette   
3 Peasgood’s Nonsuch Key: 
3Pinova TTriploid (requires 2 pollinating partners)
3Pitmaston Pine Apple  
3 Queen Cox    
3 Red Devil   
3 Rosemary Russet   
3 Saturn   
3 Scrumptious   
3 Spartan   
3 Tentation   
3Tydeman’s Early   
3 Winter Gem   
3 Worcester Pearmain